The Industrial Training Wing of Department of Technical Education and Industrial Training has been entrusted with the responsibility of imparting vocational training in Engineering and Non-Engineering trades under craftsman training scheme & App. Training scheme to cater to the needs of the industry in respect of skilled workers. Industrial Training Institute of Sangod work under Craftsman Training Scheme of Government of India, Director – General Employment and Training under the directions of DGET which is the apex body at Government of India level for co-ordinating development of Vocational Training in the country.

About Rituraj PVT. ITI

Industrial Training Instituite are training institute which provide training in technical field and constituted under Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGET) Ministry of Labor & Employment, Union Government of India. Normally a person who has passed 10th standard (SSLC) is eligible for admission to ITC, The objective of opening of ITI is provide technical manpower to industries.

Administrator Desk

Kaanta Choudhary
Mobile No - 9828772000
Dr. Nalin Choudhary
Mobile No - 9636595781
SH. C.P Jeenwal
Mobile No-9587777753


To become the emerged Enterpreneur Group focusing on expanding and creating opportunities to achieve corporate excellence in the competitive environment in all the sector of business.


Quality at all levels of functioning
Work enforcement required as per competitive corporate culture
Commitment for best Growth rate in future
Provide best environment to develop World-class human resource
Rituraj PVT ITI
Parbatsar Kuchaman Highway
Near Gingoli road,
Parbatsar - 341512 (Raj)
E-mail : info@riturajitc.org
Mobile : 9828772000,9636595781
Website : www.riturajitc.com
Visitor Counter
Last Update:  10/03/2025